Silent Auction

SGMP is proud to offer planner scholarships to the National Education Conference (NEC). To support our scholarship program, our generous members donate items to our Silent Auction. Proceeds of the auction benefit our scholarship program. Our 2023 NEC Silent Auction raised over $18,000 - thank you! 

Make a Donation

Are you interested in donating an item to our 2024 NEC Silent Auction? Please enter the item information using the form below and one of our fundraising committee members will reach out to you with more details. Thank you for your generosity!


How to Bid

Silent Auction

SGMP members can bid online before and during the conference using our Panorama silent auction application. Even if you can't join us in Omaha, you can still have fun by bidding online. The Silent Auction will go live about 6-8 weeks before the conference, so stay tuned for the bidding link!