Core Competency Education

SGMP has identified 12 (twelve) categories of core competencies for government meeting planners which focus the content of SGMP professional development both at national and chapter events. All nine categories are integral to the government meeting professional. Sessions approved for contact hours via SGMP have been thoroughly vetted by our Education Director as satisfying one or more area of core competency education. Download a PDF of SGMP Core Competencies and EIC correlates.

Two very important aspects of a meeting are the processes of speaker and program selection and program execution. These courses will help you understand the process of speaker and program selection as a government meeting professional. Additionally, you will be exposed to tools commonly utilized in the government meeting profession to track education, evaluate instructors, and improve future events.

  • Diversity
  • Entertainment
  • Evaluations
  • Marketing Your Event
  • Planning Around Religious Holidays
  • Setting Goals and Objectives
  • Volunteers
  • Code of Conduct
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Familiarization Trips
  • Frequent Flier Miles & Hotel Rewards
  • Funding
  • Procurement
  • Relationships with a Prohibited Source
  • Spending Appropriated Funds
  • Special Events & Vendor Selection
  • Washington Post Test
  • BEOs
  • Food & Beverage
  • Sustainable Facilities & LEED Certified
  • Green Meetings
  • International Meetings
  • Impact of City-Wide Events
  • RFPs
  • Site Inspection
  • Speakers & the Press
  • Universities, Conference Centers, and Federal Facilities
  • Working with Convention Services Managers
  • Working with CVBs
  • Working with Destination Management Companies
  • Exhibits
  • Attrition
  • Cancellation
  • Contracts
  • Force Majeur
  • Fundraising
  • Legal Terminology
  • Negotiations
  • No Cost Contracts
  • Penalties and Damages
  • Priorities
  • Payment Processes
  • Purchase Orders
  • System for Award Management (SAM)
  • Secondary Contracts
  • Sponsors
  • ADA Requirements
  • Back of the House Tours
  • CVBs
  • Disaster Preparedness, Risk Management, and Meeting Safety
  • Effective Room Setups
  • Insurance
  • Security
  • Music Licensing
  • Post-Con Meeting
  • Pre-Con Meeting
  • Shipping
  • Transportation
  • Unions
  • Change Management
  • Delegation
  • Identifying Team & Individual Skills
  • Listening Skills
  • Mentorship
  • Motivation
  • Personal Development
  • Professional Development
  • Relationship Building
  • Supervision
Protocol is a set of guidelines for social behavior, a framework for how to interact and communicate…in government, protocol initiates the wheels of diplomacy, laying out a road map for every exchange, big or small. It is an internationally recognized system of courtesy and respect. The goal is to create a distraction-free environment to concentrate on the business at hand.
  • Preparation
  • Diplomatic and Corporate Gifts
  • Familiarization Trips
  • Flag Protocol and Use of Corporate Logos
  • Guest Programs
  • Manners/Etiquette
  • Precedence, VIPs, and Seating
  • Special Events and Vendor Selection
  • Working with the Military
  • AV for meetings
  • Classified Meetings
  • Cloud Technology
  • Online RFPs
  • Event Software
  • Internet
  • Lighting
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Mobile Apps
  • Registration Software
  • Social Media
  • Security
  • Video Conferencing & Virtual Meetings
  • Webcasting
  • Webinars
  • Website ADA Compliance
  • Working Fed Biz Ops, FedRooms, Cvent, etc.

There are many rules and regulations that govern official government travel. Government planners must keep up with current per diem rates, new Congressional rules about government travel, and streamlining the government meeting in terms of travel costs.

  • Actual Expenses
  • City Pairs
  • FedRooms
  • Government Travel Credit Cards
  • International Travel
  • Lodging
  • Lodging Taxes
  • Meals
  • Miscellaneous Expenses vs. Incidental Expenses
  • Per Diem Rates
  • Temporary Duty Assignment (TDY)
  • Transportation


Our New Core Competencies

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) are concepts that collectively contribute to enhancing morale, engagement, productivity, success, and innovation within the workplace

  • Diversity
  • Equity
  • Inclusion
  • Belonging
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Business Management

Business management is the practice of overseeing and coordinating various activities within an organization to achieve goals efficiently. To be a good business manager, you need a combination of skills, competencies, and qualities.

  • Work Ethic
  • Goal-Oriented
  • Industry Knowledge
  • Positive and Inspirational
  • Communication Skills


An effective business leader embodies several key qualities that enable them to guide their organization toward success. Leadership is not just about authority; it’s about inspiring others, fostering collaboration, and achieving collective success. It includes self-confidence, leading by example, a positive attitude, and avoiding micromanagement, among other elements.

  • Self-Awareness
  • Respect
  • Compassion
  • Vision
  • Communication
  • Learning Agility
  • Collaboration
  • Influence
  • Integrity
  • Courage
  • Gratitude
  • Resilience