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RMC Chapter Event
Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM EST
Category: Rocky Mountain Chapter

The Gifts of the Next Generation – Leveraging the Strengths of Employees 33 and Under

Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Virtual Meeting
11:45 am to 1:00 pm Mountain Time 

Dale Wetmore is a keynote speaker and Gen Z expert. He will present the findings from hundreds of studies on working with young people. Based on this data and his 20-year experience leading high-performance teams, he shares leadership strategies that help you connect with, inspire, and lead young employees to success.

End the frustration you experience leading young employees by learning science-backed methods to communicate, coach, and collaborate with them.

After the presentation you will:

  • Leverage new skills to effectively communicate with young employees.
  • Use science-backed coaching methods to engage and motivate them.
  • Collaborate with young employees to create an office culture that works for everyone.

Core competency: Leadership.

Registration: Planner $15 and Supplier $15.

The zoom meeting will open at 11:45 am MT for networking and the presentation will begin promptly at 12:00 pm MT. We will conclude by 1 pm MT.

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