Chapter Policies

C-1          Chapter President Travel
C-2          Chapter Second Vice President Travel
C-3          Chapter Insurance Coverage
C-4          Chapter Employer Identification Number
C-5          Chapter Financial Reporting Schedule to SGMP
C-6          Chapter Cashing for Membership Dues Checks (Exceptions Noted)
C-7          Chapter Board Structure
C-8          Chapter Chartering Dues Revenue Sharing
C-9          Chapter Chartering Membership Requirements
C-10        Chapter Archives/Record Retention
C-11        Chapter Recognition Removal Process – Closure Policy
C-12        Chapter Immediate Past President Vacancy
C-13        Chapter Monthly Program Requirement
C-14        Chapter Educational Program Copyright Protection
C-15        Chapter Paying Honoraria to Members
C-16        Chapter Selling or Distributing Member Contact List
C-17        Chapter Board Term of Office
C-18        Chapter Website Guidelines
C-19        Chapter Board Uncontested Election Process (Eliminated)
C-20        Chapter Elections/Voting
C-21        Chapter Board Installation
C-22        Chapter Board Oath of Office
C-23        Chapter Board Members Expressing Personal Views
C-24        Chapter Board Transition Schedule
C-25        Chapter Financial Reporting Schedule from SGMP
C-26        Chapter Board Job Descriptions
C-27        Chapter President/Treasurers (Newly-Elected) Training (Eliminated)
C-28        Chapter Board Meetings
C-29        Chapter Contracts
C-30        Chapter Education Conferences
C-31        Chapter Board Strategic Planning Meeting/Retreat
C-32        Chapter Trustee Appointment
C-33        Chapter Name and/or Logo Changes 

Chapter President Travel

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-1
Date of Origin: October 1982
Revised: July 2022; April 2008; March 2009; October 2009; January 2011; January 2019
Reaffirmed: July 1992; October 2001; June 2024


The Chapter Presidents serve as a proactive and vital communication link between the national leadership and chapter members.


The Chapter Presidents will meet as scheduled by the National Board, with the Chapter Second Vice Presidents at the Joint Leadership Meeting (JLM) at the National Education Conference (NEC). Additional Joint Leadership Meetings may be scheduled at National Board’s discretion.  Chapters should budget accordingly.

For any meeting scheduled by the National board, or during the JLM at the NEC:

  • If the Chapter President is unable to attend, exceptions may be granted by SGMP headquarters in conjunction with the appropriate chapter liaison.
  • If not covered by their agency/business, the chapter will pay for airfare, ground transportation, required lodging for 4 nights, non-group meals and incidentals. A Chapter may vote to pay for additional nights if there is a need and funding is available.
  • SGMP (National) will only cover the cost of planned group meals.
  • The chapter shall pay all expenses for the Chapter President to attend the NEC (if funds allow).

SGMP and chapter elected leaders are required to stay at the host hotel, without exception, to prevent any liability or attrition issues.

Chapter Second Vice President Travel

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-2
Date of Origin: November 2000
Revised: April 2008; March 2009; October 2009; January 2011; May 2018; June 2024


The Chapter Second Vice Presidents serve as a proactive and vital communication link between the national leadership and chapter members.


The Chapter Second Vice Presidents will meet as scheduled by the National Board, with the Chapter Presidents at the Joint Leadership Meeting (JLM) at the National Education Conference (NEC). Additional Joint Leadership Meetings may be scheduled at National Board discretion.  Chapters should budget accordingly.

For the JLM:

  • If the Chapter Second Vice President is unable to attend, exceptions may be granted by SGMP headquarters in conjunction with the appropriate Group liaison.
  • If not covered by their agency/business, the chapter will pay for airfare, ground transportation, and required lodging for 4 nights, non-group meals, and incidentals. A Chapter may vote to pay for additional nights if there is a need and funding is available.
  • SGMP (National) will only cover the cost of planned group meals.

The chapter shall pay all expenses for the Chapter Second Vice President to attend the National Education Conference (if funds allow).

SGMP and chapter elected leaders are required to stay at the host hotel(s), without exception, to prevent any liability or attrition issues.

Chapter Insurance Coverage

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-3
Date of Origin: May 2002
Revised: October 2009; March 2013
Reaffirmed: April 2008 


This policy was developed to describe National’s insurance coverage for chapters.


SGMP (National) does provide a policy for all chapters that addresses General Liability coverage.

SGMP (National) does provide a policy for all chapters that addresses Directors and Officers (D&O) coverage.

SGMP (National) does not provide a policy for chapters that addresses Crime Bond coverage.

Chapter Employer Identification Number

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-4
Date of Origin: June 1992
Revised: April 2008; October 2009


This policy covers the requirement for chapters to obtain an Employer’s Identification Number.


Each chapter must apply for and be granted an Employer’s Identification Number, using the SS4 Form prior to chapter chartering. All chapters must supply their Federal ID number to SGMP Headquarters within 30 days of issuance or any change.

Chapter Financial Reporting Schedule to SGMP

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-5
Date of Origin: June 1992
Revised: November 2000; July 2002; December 2004; January 2006; April 2008; October 2009; November 2010; September 2014; January 2018


This policy covers all chapter reporting requirements to SGMP (National) and sanctions that will be imposed for those chapters that do not submit chapter financial reports by the specified deadline.


Chapters shall submit required reports by the designated deadlines. Chapter Presidents must submit a year-end financial report to SGMP Headquarters by August 10 of each year, (if the 10th of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Federal Holiday, the report will be due the next business day). Failure to submit the annual financial report by August 10 will result in the National Board Liaison, National Treasurer, the National Treasurer’s Committee and/or the SGMP Headquarters working with the chapter to obtain the report. If chapter annual budgets are not received by July 31, the National Board Liaison, National Treasurer, the National Treasurer’s Committee and/or the SGMP Headquarters will work with the chapter to complete the budgets. A list of the yearly programs must be attached to justify the amounts indicated for   education.

In the event that chapters are in arrears with reporting requirements, the National Board Liaison, National Treasurer, the National Treasurer’s Committee and/or the SGMP Headquarters will work with the chapter to meet reporting requirements.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires financial reports.  Any penalty charges levied by the Internal Revenue Service against SGMP for late filing of SGMP Income Tax Return, which is due to a chapter’s late submission of necessary financial information to complete the Income Tax Return, will result in the IRS imposed penalty fee being deducted from the chapter’s revenue sharing funds.

Chapter Presidents are required to submit their chapter’s tax information directly to SGMP Headquarters. If a Chapter President fails to follow these required procedures, this could be justified as unethical and could result in the Chapter President being removed from his/her position on the Chapter Board.

Chapter Cashing of Membership Dues Checks (Exceptions Noted)

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-6
Date of Origin: January 2000
Revised: October 2009; July 2010; April 2011; March 2017
Reaffirmed: April 2008


Chapters shall not cash or deposit any membership dues checks, and in turn, write checks to SGMP (National).

An exception could be made for funds received for new or renewing memberships being paid through registrations for local conferences. In this case, a chapter check may be submitted to SGMP as payment for SGMP new member dues since the chapter bank account was only used as a “pass-through” for that new member dues payment.

New planner or supplier member dues are allowed to be collected as part of a registration fee that is higher than the corresponding SGMP dues amount for a member if all of the following conditions are met:

  • First, the conference registration form is pre-approved by headquarters.
  • The conference materials show any non-member attendee that an itemized dollar amount of the registration fees may be used for new member dues.
  • The conference materials show any non-member attendee that they have the ability to opt-out of having a portion of their registration fees go toward membership (although their registration fee will remain at the same amount).
  • A fully-completed SGMP membership application form is submitted to the chapter at that conference along with the conference registration form.
  • After the event, the chapter treasurer logs revenue for conference registration portion and miscellaneous expense for membership dues portion.
  • The following items are submitted together to SGMP within 30 days of the completion of the event: the SGMP membership application form and a receipt of payment for each individual’s new member payment. Compiled new member dues from the event are submitted to SGMP headquarters at one time and on a cumulative chapter check.

Renewal planner or supplier member dues are allowed to be collected as part of a registration fee that is higher than the corresponding SGMP dues amount for a member if all of the following conditions are met:

  • First, the conference registration form is pre-approved by headquarters.
  • The conference materials show any member attendee that an itemized dollar amount of the registration fees may be used for renewal member dues.
  • The conference materials show any member attendee that they have the ability to opt-out of having a portion of their registration fees go toward membership (although their registration fee will remain at the same amount).
  • A fully-completed SGMP membership renewal payment form is submitted to the chapter at that conference along with the conference registration form.
  • After the event, the chapter treasurer logs revenue for conference registration portion and miscellaneous expense for membership dues portion.
  • The following items are submitted together to SGMP within 30 days of the completion of the event: the SGMP membership renewal payment form and a receipt of payment for each individual’s new member payment. Compiled new member dues from the event are submitted to SGMP headquarters at one time and on a cumulative chapter check.

Chapter Board Structure/Variance

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-7
Date of Origin: April 1994
Revised: April 2008; October 2009; January 2012; December 2013; February 2019


Chapters may experience difficulty in securing members to fill all elected positions on the Chapter Board or in securing qualified members in the specific membership category for the positions of Chapter Secretary and/or Chapter Treasurer.

The purpose of this policy is to provide flexibility to the overall size of the Chapter Board and to the specific membership categories of Chapter Board members for the Secretary and/or Treasurer. If utilized, this flexibility must maintain the mandatory balance between planner and supplier representation.


Per SGMP bylaws (Article VII, Section 3), the Chapter Board must be made up of a majority of planner members. The Immediate Past President is included in this count (though not elected, this position has voting rights). In all instances described below, that appropriate representation by planners and suppliers on the Chapter Board must be maintained.

Overall Size Flexibility

Prior to the official call for nominations opens the standard biannual Nominations & Elections process, the current Chapter Board of Directors may vote to eliminate the three director positions on the incoming Chapter Board of Directors that takes office on the forthcoming July 1st term of office. In that situation, the chapter must notify the National Nominations & Elections Chair of its decision prior to the deadline set by the National Nominations & Elections Chair. This opportunity is not available after the call for nominations has been made or at any other time during or outside of the standard biannual Nominations & Elections process.

Secretary/Treasurer Flexibility

Sometimes, during the standard biannual Nominations & Elections process, there are no accepted nominations for the position of Secretary (by a qualified Government Planner or Contract Planner member) and there are no accepted nominations for the position of Treasurer (by a qualified Supplier or Contract Planner member). In that situation, a nomination for the position of Secretary may be accepted by a qualified Supplier member and a nomination for the position of Treasurer may be accepted by a qualified Government Planner or Contract Planner member, as long as—in both cases—those accepted nominations would not result in a planner and a supplier appearing on the ballot for the same position.

Sometimes, outside of the standard biannual Nominations & Elections process and after a vacancy on the Chapter Board for the position of Secretary or Treasurer occurs, there is not an accepted nomination for the position of Secretary (by a qualified Government Planner or Contract Planner member) and there is not an accepted nominations for the position of Treasurer (by a qualified Supplier or Contract Planner member). In that situation, a nomination for the position of Secretary may be accepted by a qualified Supplier member and a nomination for the position of Treasurer may be accepted by a qualified Government Planner or Contract Planner member, as long as both nominees agree to serve in the other position (one would need to resign the existing position and then immediately accept a nomination for the other position).


Chapter Chartering Dues Revenue Sharing

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-8
Date of Origin: November 1990
Revised: October 2009; October 2013
Reaffirmed: July 1992; April 2008 


This policy covers revenue sharing for chartering chapters.


The revenue share to chartering chapters will be a flat rate of $25 per member (SEE POLICY CF-22).

Chapter Chartering Membership Requirements

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-9
Date of Origin: November 1990
Revised: March 2009; October 2009; March 2017
Reaffirmed: July 1992; April 2008 


This policy covers the minimum number of members necessary to charter a new chapter.


To be chartered, a chapter is required to have at least 35 approved members.

Chapter Archives/Record Retention

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-10
Date of Origin: September 1995
Revised: November 1995; April 2008; October 2009; July 2012


This policy covers the responsibility of chapters regarding records retention. This process and schedule covers records kept by SGMP (National) and by chapters.


SGMP (National) and its chapters will do a biennial inventory of records kept by the Society and prepare a list of these records types.  The following information will be included:

Description: A short paragraph that describes the purpose and content of the record.

Retention Period: The time period indicates the minimum length of time that the record/ information should be retained. Retention periods apply to the information, regardless of the physical format (paper, CD, USB drive) or other medium.

This general schedule covers the majority of records/information kept by the Society. However, due to the diversity and rapidly changing functions of the organization, new record types and schedules may occasionally be created. For any records/information not included in this schedule, chapters should consult with SGMP Headquarters to develop a retention plan for those new or unique records.

Designated chapter officers are responsible for keeping and forwarding appropriate records to SGMP Headquarters.


All records that have reached their retention period should be destroyed by shredding. Below is an itemized list of retention policy:

Chapter and SGMP (National) Written Histories

Scrapbooks, photographs, articles, lists of chapter boards and committee members, program notes and documentation of events sponsored or funded by the organization. Also included are narrative audio or audiovisual chapter histories.

Record copy:  Permanent.
Duplicate copies:   Retain until no longer needed, then destroy.

General Correspondence

Routine correspondence

Record copy: Retain for three years and then destroy. Duplicate copies:  Retain until no longer needed, then destroy.

Acknowledgement Files

Acknowledgment notes, transmittal of inquiries, and requests that have been referred elsewhere for reply.

Record copy: Retain for three months after acknowledgment and/or referral and destroy. Duplicate copies:  Retain until no longer needed and destroy.

Committee and Conference Files

Records created by a committee or conference that has been charged by the National Board or a Chapter Board, including advisory committees relating to the executive establishment, organization, membership, and policy (i.e., agenda, meeting minutes, final reports and related records documenting the accomplishments of official board committees).

Record copy: Permanent.

Executive Correspondence

Records not duplicated elsewhere, which documents how the organization is organized and how it functions, its pattern of action, its policies, procedures and achievements.

Record copy: Permanent

Feasibility Studies

Studies conducted before the installation of any technology or equipment; studies and systems analysis for the initial establishment and major changes of these systems.

Record copy:  Retain for the life of the technology or equipment plus one year.

Policies and Procedures Manual

Policies and procedures that govern the operation and administration of the organization

Record copy: Permanent 

Financial Records (includes annual budget reports, invoices, financial reviews and canceled checks).

Audit/financial reviews      Permanent
Cancelled checks                 Permanent  (file with paper pertaining to transaction)
Bank statements                   Four years, plus current
Tax returns                           Permanent
Invoices                                 Seven years 

Nominations and Elections

Nomination forms, election ballots, correspondence and documentation related to national and chapter elections.

Record copy: Three years, plus current. 

Education Conferences

All records pertaining to the Society’s and/or chapter’s education conferences (registration lists, vendor and facility contracts).

Five years, plus current. 


Two copies on file with the chapter with copies to SGMP Headquarters as instructed.


Insurance records


Membership records

Includes copies of membership applications and reports from SGMP Headquarters.

Three years, plus current. 

Chapter Recognition Removal/Closure Process

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-11
Date of Origin: September 2000
Revised: April 2008; October 2009; February 2010; March 2017; January 2018; April 2018
Reaffirmed: March 2010 


Portions of this policy originated in the SGMP bylaws and were created to document the scenarios and processes in which SGMP chapter recognition would be removed and the chapter closed.


An SGMP chapter shall be deemed to have forfeited its right to continue as a chapter for either of the following reasons:


The chapter has violated the purpose of SGMP or the provisions of its bylaws, or has maintained chapter policies or practices in conflict with SGMP’s bylaws or National Policy Manual.

If one of the above conditions is met by the chapter, the National President calls the respective Chapter President to advise him/her of a forthcoming letter. SGMP Headquarters then sends a letter over the signature of the National President (to addressee only, with a return receipt required) to the Chapter President (and each member of the Chapter Board), advising him/her of the letter and how he/she can present the chapter’s views to the National Board.

Within 10 days of receipt of letter, the Chapter President has the opportunity to respond to the National President. If no response is received, that shall signify that the chapter waives its right to address the National Board on this matter. The National Board then reviews the chapter’s presentation and makes a decision on what action(s) should be taken and on the fate of the chapter.

If the National Board’s decision is that the chapter has forfeited its chapter status, the National Board shall notify the Chapter President in writing that recognition has been withdrawn. The chapter shall lose its status as a chapter upon receipt of the notice. Upon dissolution of the chapter, the Chapter Board shall, after payment or providing for payment of all chapter debts, return any remaining chapter assets to SGMP for appropriate disposition.

Chapter Decision

  • Formal chapter notification, through coordination with the designated National Board liaison, that the chapter can no longer successfully fulfill the goals and mission of SGMP, due to lack of membership, resources and/or operational funds.

Chapter dissolution would require majority consensus obtained through vote by both, the chapter board and the chapter members, along with formal communication to the National Board. The National Board may either accept and vote accordingly, or accept and choose to take additional actions to assist the chapter.

  • If chapter dissolution is accepted, the following actions are to be taken and completed within a three-month timeframe;
    • Pay all outstanding bills, invoices, and chapter scholarship expenses.
    • Close all existing chapter accounts.
    • Provide remaining bank balances to National, which will be utilized for National Education Conference scholarship purposes, with chapter members being given first opportunity.
  • Chapter members who wish to retain their SGMP membership will be provided the following options via correspondence from National:
    • Planners, retirees, educators and students can either select the chapter they wish to join or remain a Member At Large.
    • A supplier member can either remain a Member At Large; or at a chapter’s discretion, may be able to either join the chapter without a planner match; or join with a chapter- required planner match.

Governance Document References

BYLAWS Article VII, Section 9C

Chapter Immediate Past President Vacancy

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-12
Date of Origin: March 2001
Revised: April 2008; October 2009; March 2010


This policy covers how chapters may fill the Immediate Past President position on the Chapter Board.


A Chapter Board’s Immediate Past President vacancy must be filled by the first available chapter past president in closest succession to that for which the vacancy exists. The Chapter Board also has the option of not back-filling that vacant immediate past president position.

A chapter president who did not serve 12 months in that role, or who resigned or was removed from that position, is ineligible to serve in the Immediate Past President position on the Chapter Board. 

The Immediate Past President may not serve in an additional Chapter Board position while serving his/her term as Immediate Past President. In addition, the Immediate Past President may not serve on the Chapter Board if elected or appointed to a position on the National Board of Directors or the Gilmer Institute of Learning.  (SEE POLICY NB-8)

A past president in the Retiree membership category is eligible to fill this vacancy and shall have all Chapter Board voting rights. Voting rights only pertain to Chapter Board issues.

Chapter Monthly Program Requirements

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-13
Date of Origin: March 1991
Revised: April 2008; October 2009; April 2011; October 2011; September 2013; December 2016; June 2024


This policy covers the process to document the required number of monthly education programs chapters must deliver to members.


Chapters must have a minimum of 6 - 8 continued education units (CEUs)per calendar year. These CEUs shall cover topics related to meeting management as outlined by SGMP’s twelve core competencies of education. The subject matter of the remaining meetings/events may pertain to meeting management, career and/or personal development, or be focused around networking.

Educational programs should be no less than one hour in length and are not required to be face-to-face meetings. If a chapter selects to hold multi-program events then a minimum of 8 individual programs is required.

All chapters must send their fiscal year meetings calendar (must include each meeting's topic; may include speaker or location) to SGMP Headquarters by September 15.  A promotional description of each meeting with the speaker and location then must be provided to SGMP Headquarters no later than 45 days prior to that meeting.  After each meeting, chapters are required to submit the Monthly Education Report to SGMP Headquarters by the 10th day of the month following that program.

Chapter Educational Program Copyright Protection

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-14
Date of Origin: November 2000
Revised: April 2008


This policy covers the use of educational programs that are protected by copyright.


Chapters are expected to do due diligence when planning the use of educational programs developed by outside sources.

In the event that a chapter wants to deliver a program with copyright protection, chapters must obtain written permission from the program’s originator.

Chapter Paying Honoraria to Members

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-15
Date of Origin: January 2001
Revised: April 2008; September 2008; November 2010


SGMP recognizes the value of using its members to provide education at monthly chapter meetings and chapter events. This policy covers members receiving honoraria from speaking at SGMP chapter events.


SGMP members are prohibited from receiving honoraria to speak at chapter meetings and/or chapter regional conferences. Members may, however, accept reimbursement of travel expenses if offered by the requesting chapter.

This policy does not apply to Supplier or Contract Planner members whose primary services to the government meetings market is education-related (training or speaking).

Chapter Selling or Distributing Member Contact Lists

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-16
Date of Origin: April 2008
Revised: October 2009; September 2011


This policy covers the sale of chapter member contact list by chapters.


Only SGMP members may purchase SGMP chapter member contact lists. Chapter member contact lists will be sold at a cost determined by the Chapter Board.

Chapter Board Term of Office

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-17
Date of Origin: November 1990
Revised: April 2008; October 2009; March 2013; September 2020


This policy covers the terms of offices for Chapter Board members.


The cycle for the terms of office for all SGMP Chapter Board members (except for newly- chartered chapters) shall coincide with the July 1 to June 30 period (the SGMP fiscal year) and shall be a two-year term.

No Chapter Board member may run for more than his/her allowable term.

If a Chapter President has served his/her allotted time and has no replacement, the chapter shall have six months from the end of the term to find an eligible member to serve in the position of Chapter President.

The National Board will extend its full support and resources to assist the chapter in finding an eligible replacement.

If a replacement cannot be found after the six-month period, the National Board shall initiate action, which may include the disbanding of the chapter.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic on September 17, 2020, the National Board via vote suspended the 10-year limit for members to serve on a chapter board via elections or appointment September 2020 through terms ending June 30, 2023.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic on September 17, 2020, the National Board via vote suspended the 2-term limit per position to serve on a chapter board via elections or appointment September 2020 through terms ending June 30, 2023.

Terms beginning July 1, 2023 will revert back to time limits per bylaws.

Chapter Website Guidelines

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-18
Date of Origin: April 2008
Revised: October 2009; August 2019; October 2023


All chapters are required to maintain chapter websites or a page on the National website.


This policy gives the chapters guidelines for their respective websites.

Priority Features

  1. The SGMP (national) logo should always be visible on webpage, with a link to the SGMP (national) website.
  2. The chapter logo should always be visible on the home page and can be spelled out.
  3. The SGMP mission statement should be on the website, either linked or written out. If the chapter has its own mission statement it should be located on the website.
  4. Information about the chapter history should be included (i.e., when it was chartered, etc.) This is not the history of SGMP, but the chapter's history.
  5. Programs should be listed as far out as possible and include the following information as available:
    1. Meeting information (including date and time)
    2. Location
    3. Speaker
    4. Program topic
    5. Reservation contact information
    6. Cost of meeting (member and non-member) and if there is a meal.
  6. Mechanism to contact chapter leaders
    1. Contact us form or generic email address that is accessible to multiple chapter board members. This can be multiple email addresses or one main contact email.
    2. Chapter board email addresses shall be listed behind a member’s only section of the website. (Because of phishing scams it is recommended that individual member email addresses not be listed on a public page.) 
  7. Membership contact information for people who need membership information should be listed.
  8. Calendar (either visual or a list of dates) to remind members of upcoming chapter events; list out as far as possible. This should include NEC and any other national meetings applicable to members.
  9. Chapters with satellite chapters will include a page on their website for satellite information. If the satellite chooses to host their own website, the parent chapter's satellite page will link to the independent satellite website.

Overall Presentation

  1. Format is visually appealing with professional layout.
  2. Easy to navigate within website.
  3. ADA compliant.

Chapter Board Uncontested Elections Process

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-19
Date of Origin: April 2008
Revised: November 2010
Eliminated: March 2013 

Chapter Board Elections/Voting

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-20
Date of Origin: April 2008
Revised: September 2008; October 2009; April 2011; March 2013


This policy outlines the standard method for the voting process to be used in chapter elections and includes the opportunity for an exception to be granted to this policy. The default method has been put in place to support a voting process that respects the privacy of member voters and results in a fair and equitable election.


The current Chapter President, or any outgoing Chapter Board officer, may oversee the nominations and elections process, provided they are not seeking another term and there is no Immediate Past President available to preside over the election process.

Retiree members may not run for an elected Chapter Board position.

Members can, however, cast more than one vote during the chapter elections if they have a membership with that chapter.

After all candidates have been verified and confirmed by SGMP (National), the approved candidates will be placed into the electronic survey system at SGMP headquarters. The direct link to that election survey will be provided to the chapter nominations & elections committee chair to be distributed to the chapter’s voting roster provided by SGMP headquarters. Upon completion of the voting period, the full survey report will be sent to the chapter nominations and elections committee chair.

If a chapter has another voting method which supports a voting process that respects the privacy of member voters and ensures a fair and equitable election, that chapter may request an exception to this process from the national nominations and elections committee by the method announced with the distribution of the chapter nominations and elections timeline.

Chapter Board Installation

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-21
Date of Origin: April 2008
Revised: October 2009


This policy clarifies who can and should conduct the installation of each Chapter Board.


The installation of each Chapter Board shall only be conducted by any of the following individuals:

  • SGMP National Board member
  • SGMP Executive Director
  • SGMP Deputy Director
  • Past SGMP National Board member
  • Past Chapter President

Chapter Board members shall be sworn in on or prior to June 30, prior to the start of their term of office.

If during the course of a term a Chapter Board position must be filled by appointment, due to a board member resigning, changing membership categories or other reason, then the Chapter President or Immediate Past President may conduct the installation of this new Chapter Board member.

Chapter Board Oath of Office

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-22
Date of Origin: March 2009
Revised: October 2009; September 2014


Elected Chapter Boards will be given the standard Oath of Office at the beginning of their term of office.


The individual who has been selected (as referenced in Policy C-21) will give the “Oath of Office” (as shown below) to the Chapter Board.

* * * * * * *

“It is now my pleasure and privilege to install the new board members of the (name) Chapter of the Society of Government Meeting Professionals.”

“Will the newly elected board members please come forward as I call your name?

First Vice President
Second Vice President
Directors Planner Director
Supplier Director
Planner/Supplier Director
Immediate Past President


* * * * * * *

Face the Chapter Board members and say: 

“Please raise your right hand and repeat after me:

“I accept the responsibility / as a member of the Board / of the (name) Chapter of the Society of Government Meeting Professionals / and promise to fulfill / to the best of my ability/ and in accordance with the Bylaws / the duties of the office / to which I have been elected.”

Turn to the members present and say:

“As important as this day is to your newly-elected board members, it must also be as important to you, the membership of the chapter. You must be equally obligated to support the board in its work and to cooperate in all chapter activities. In so doing, all of us will increase the effectiveness of ourselves, our chapter, and our National Society.”

“SGMP members, please rise and repeat after me:

“I pledge my full support, commitment and enthusiasm / to further the goals / of the (name)

Chapter / and to the newly-elected leadership.”

You may now be seated.”

Turn to the Chapter Board members and say:

“As a body, we have pledged our support. Your leadership will guide the chapter in pursuing its goals throughout the coming year. We congratulate each of you and wish you a successful and enjoyable term of office.”

“Thank you for accepting this responsibility and CONGRATULATIONS!

* * * * * * *

Chapter Board Members Expressing Personal Views

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-23
Date of Origin: April 2008
Revised: October 2009


This policy was created to ensure that members of each Chapter Board do not express their personal views as being the view of SGMP during an SGMP-sponsored meeting or event.


Chapter Board members must avoid discussing their personal views on social ethics, religion or political affiliation/stance at any SGMP-sponsored meeting or event.  This includes the wearing of clothing garments and pins, etc., that express a particular viewpoint on social ethics, religion or political affiliation, which could, in some way, insult or make another member uncomfortable.

Chapter Board Transition Schedule

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-24
Date of Origin: March 2010


To ensure chapters properly and in a timely manner ensure a smooth transition between the existing Chapter Board and the incoming Chapter Board.


During an election year, the existing Chapter Board is required to arrange for a transition meeting with the incoming Chapter Board. This meeting is to be held no later than May 31st of that year.

Chapter Financial Reporting Schedule from SGMP

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-25
Date of Origin: January 2002
Revised: April 2008; September 2008; October 2009


This policy covers the frequency and method by which the SGMP (National) financial reports will be submitted to chapters.


The SGMP (National) Financial Report (i.e., Income/Expense, Asset Report) will be submitted to the Chapter Presidents annually, based on the SGMP fiscal year, and will be distributed within 90 calendar days of the end of the fiscal year.

A copy of the annual financial report will be available to all members for review at SGMP Headquarters during normal business hours. An electronic copy will also be available online at, under the Members Only section.

Chapter Board Job Descriptions

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-26
Date of Origin: March 2009
Revised: October 2009; January 2012; October 2013; January 2018; February 2019


To document consistent guidelines for the responsibilities of, and standards for, chapter boards.


Job descriptions of the voting members of the Chapter Board (officers, directors and the immediate past president are voting members) shall include, but are not limited to, the following duties and responsibilities. [This serves as a guideline that should be customized to fit the operating procedures of the individual chapter.]

All Board Members

  • Elicit the support of the board member’s agency/company in order to commit to the time and efforts needed to perform board duties.
  • Uphold the SGMP Code of Ethics.
  • Comply with and adhere to the SGMP bylaws.
  • Attend monthly board meetings, monthly education programs, special events, and outreach functions as required.
  • Attend annual Chapter Board retreat.
  • Attend SGMP National Education Conference.
  • Prepare monthly committee report for presentation to Chapter Board members.
  • Support and promote the membership recruitment and retention efforts of the chapter.
  • Serve as board liaison or committee chair.
  • Contribute written article(s) for the chapter newsletter as needed/required.

Chapter President

  • The President shall be a Government Planner or Contract Planner member.
  • Newly-elected Presidents shall travel to the SGMP National Education Conference for orientation and training prior to the beginning of their term of office.
  • The President shall be the official chapter representative in the activities of the Society on all levels and acts as the sole person responsible for speaking for the chapter in an official capacity.
  • The President shall set the agenda and preside over all meetings of the Chapter Board, and shall serve as an ex-officio member on all committees, except Nominations and Elections.
  • The President shall preside over/lead each monthly chapter meeting.
  • In the Treasurer’s absence, the President may be authorized to sign disbursements.
  • The President shall attend Joint Leadership meetings held annually with the National Board, Executive Director, and fellow Chapter Presidents and Second Vice Presidents at the National Education Conference.
  • The President is responsible for recommending replacement board members, should a current board member be removed for cause or by resignation. This must be voted/approved by the entire Chapter Board, and board changes must be forwarded to SGMP Headquarters within 15 days of the change.
  • The President authors the President’s Message for website and monthly newsletter, as well as written correspondence as needed for welcome letters, thank you letters, etc.
  • The President shall facilitate an annual Chapter Board retreat.
  • The President shall perform an annual membership survey/State of the Chapter address.
  • The President shall serve as the liaison between chapter membership and the SGMP National Board and shall participate in scheduled quarterly regional conference calls.

Monthly Reports:

  • Submit Monthly Chapter Summary Report to SGMP Headquarters.
    • Due date for submissions to SGMP: By the 10th of the following month. (If the 10th of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Federal Holiday the report will be due the next business day.)

Annual Reports:

  • The Treasurer and President should lead the entire Chapter Board in the development of the chapter’s annual fiscal year budget to be submitted to SGMP Headquarters.
    • Due date for submission to SGMP Headquarters: July 31 of each year (subject to change to an earlier July date).
  • Prepare and submit a Year-End Financial Report.
    • Due date for submission to SGMP Headquarters: August 10 of each year (If the 10th of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Federal Holiday the report will be due the next business day) (subject to change to an earlier July date).
  • Chapter Annual Education Calendar
    • Due date for submission to SGMP Headquarters: September 10 of each year (If the 10th of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Federal Holiday the report will be due the next business day) (subject to change to an earlier July date).

First Vice President

  • The First Vice President shall be a Government Planner or Contract Planner member.
  • The First Vice President shall serve for the President in the absence of the President, or when so requested by the President.
  • The First Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the case of resignation, death, or other cause.
  • The First Vice President shall serve as committee liaison or committee chair and shall perform all other duties as are incident to the office or as may be prescribed by the Chapter Board.

Second Vice President

  • The Second Vice President shall be a Supplier or Contract Planner member.
  • The Second Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President and First Vice President.
  • The Second Vice President shall serve as committee liaison or committee chair and shall perform all other duties as are incident to the office or as may be prescribed by the Chapter Board.
  • The Second Vice President acts as liaison to the National Board for the chapter’s Supplier members.
  • The Second Vice President shall serve as a chapter representative and shall participate in scheduled quarterly regional conference calls.
  • The Second Vice President shall attend Joint Leadership meetings held annually with the National Board, Executive Director, and fellow chapter Second Vice Presidents and Presidents at the National Education Conference.


  • The Secretary shall be a Government Planner or Contract Planner member.
  • The Secretary shall be responsible for the proper notification of Chapter Board meetings to board members.
  • The Secretary shall record the proceedings of the Chapter Board and any meetings, or sessions as shall be requested by the Chapter Board.
  • The Secretary shall maintain the chapter’s official records and the chapter’s Policy and Procedures Manual.
  • The Secretary shall maintain a log of the voting actions of the meetings.
  • The Secretary shall assure that all official and historical records of chapter are maintained and preserved.
  • The Secretary shall submit minutes for review and approval from the Chapter Board in a timely manner.
  • The Secretary shall submit approved minutes to the Chapter President in a timely manner for inclusion in President’s monthly chapter summary report to SGMP Headquarters.
  • The Secretary shall write and mail general correspondence, including thank you notes.
  • The Secretary should adhere to national standards of minute taking.


  • The Treasurer shall be a Supplier or Contract Planner member.
  • Newly-elected Treasurers shall travel to the SGMP National Education Conference for orientation and training prior to the beginning of their term of office.
  • The Treasurer shall ensure the accurate financial records of the chapter are kept in accordance with the Society’s financial policies and procedures.
  • The Treasurer shall be responsible, in conjunction with the President, for the safekeeping of funds in such depositories as are approved by the Chapter Board.
  • The Treasurer shall be the principal signatory on all disbursements.
  • The Treasurer shall maintain Chapter funds in an approved local bank insured by the FDIC.
  • The Treasurer is responsible for insuring all spending transactions are properly approved.
  • The Treasurer is charged with the responsibility and custody of the chapter’s bank accounts and assets and must accurately account for all transactions that take place within the chapter’s financial accounts.
  • The Treasurer must maintain accurate records of the chapter’s income and expenses on a monthly basis on the SGMP-approved chapter budget form.
  • The Treasurer must ensure that the chapter’s non-profit status remains in good standing.

Annual Reports:

  • The Treasurer and President should lead the entire Chapter Board in the development of the annual fiscal year budget, to be submitted to SGMP Headquarters.
    • Due date for submission to SGMP Headquarters: July 31 of each year (subject to change to an earlier July date).
  • The Treasurer shall prepare and submit a year-end fiscal report
    • Due date for submission to SGMP Headquarters: August 10 of each year. (If the 10th of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Federal Holiday, the report will be due the next business day.) (Subject to change to an earlier July date.)
  • All year-end Treasury records (original documentation) must be sent to SGMP Headquarters by August 10 and kept for seven years (SEE Policy CF-11). (If the 10th of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Federal Holiday the report will be due the next business day.)

Monthly Reports:

  • The Treasurer shall submit a written report on the financial standings of the chapter on a monthly basis, to be presented to the Chapter Board and the President, for inclusion in the President’s monthly chapter summary report to SGMP Headquarters.
  • Accurate records for all chapter income and expense transactions must be reconciled with the chapter bank statement each month.
    • Due date for submission of copy of bank statement to SGMP Headquarters: 10th of the month for previous month that closed out. (If the 10th of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Federal Holiday the report will be due the next business day.)
  • The Treasurer must submit the month-end report to SGMP Headquarters each month
    • Due date for submission of Treasurers Report to SGMP Headquarters: 10th of the month for previous month that closed out. (If the 10th of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Federal Holiday the report will be due the next business day.)

Directors (3)

  • There will be three Directors: one Government Planner, one Supplier and either one Government Planner, Contract Planner, Supplier.
  • The Directors serve as committee liaisons or committee chairs and shall perform all other duties as are incident to the office or as may be prescribed by the Chapter Board.

Immediate Past President

  • The Immediate Past President serves in an advisory capacity to the Chapter Board and is a voting member of the Chapter Board.
  • The Immediate Past President serves as Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee and shall perform all other duties as are incident to the office or as maybe prescribed by the Chapter Board.

Chapter President/Treasurer (Newly-Elected) Training

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-27
Date of Origin: March 2009
Revised: July 2009; October 2009
Eliminated: September 2013 

Chapter Board Meetings

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-28
Date of Origin: July 2010
Revised: September 2013; September 2014; December 2016


To provide guidelines for chapter boards of directors’ board meetings.


Chapter Boards of Directors are required to hold six meetings each fiscal year, of which a minimum of three meetings shall be held face-to-face. Any additional meetings may be held face-to-face or via conference call.

Chapter financial and membership reports must be reviewed and accepted monthly by the chapter board, but can be done via email if no board meeting is scheduled for that month. Each month's approval needs to be recorded in the minutes for the next held board meeting.

The SGMP bylaws (Article VII, Section 3.C.) state that an elected Officer or Director may be removed after the third consecutive absence or third non-excused absence per fiscal year from scheduled Chapter Board meetings.

SGMP defines an excused absence as one where the Chapter President or Chapter Secretary has confirmed receipt of a request for an excused absence from a board member at least four hours prior to that Chapter Board meeting that is due to a personal illness or hospitalization or to the illness, hospitalization, or death of an immediate family member. [If the Chapter President or Chapter Secretary is requesting the absence, the confirmed receipt shall be received by the Chapter First Vice President.]

SGMP defines an immediate family member as the chapter board member’s mother, father, sibling, child, spouse, domestic partner, mother-in-law, or father-in-law.

Any exceptions to this definition of an excused absence shall only be allowed as “excused” by a majority vote of the Chapter Board.

The Chapter Board may request, with a majority vote (within seven days of the request to be excused from the meeting), that the Chapter President or Chapter Secretary receive a doctor’s note regarding that absence. [If the Chapter President or Chapter Secretary had requested the absence, the requested doctor’s note shall be received by the Chapter First Vice President.]

Chapter Contracts

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-29
Date of Origin: April 2011


This policy covers any and all contracts entered into by a chapter and includes, but is not limited to, contracts covering chapter meetings, special events/conferences, meeting registration services and website administration.


Any contract entered into by a chapter must adhere to the following:

  • The chapter must be referred to as the “SGMP (INSERT CHAPTER NAME) Chapter” in all contract paperwork.
  • The contract must be signed by the Chapter President; but if the Chapter President is not available, then the Chapter First Vice President.
  • The contract can be up to two years in length, regardless of the current chapter board’s time in office and the end of their current term.
  • If the amount of the contract is $5,000 or more, then it must be submitted to the chapter’s National Board liaison for review prior to signing. Once the liaison approves it in writing, it can be signed by the Chapter President. If the liaison has questions or concerns, he/she will bring it to the attention of the national board for review and approval.
  • Chapters should have their own policy regarding the process for soliciting and reviewing proposals and contracts.

Chapter Education or Regional Conferences

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-30
Date of Origin: October 2011
Revised: October 2013; June 2024


To accurately record the number of educational meetings a chapter hosts and to document the number of contact hours earned through member participation in chapter education conferences.


Chapters may host an extended educational conference. A chapter may substitute an educational conference for a monthly educational meeting.  A multi-educational event may count as up to four of the required educational CEUs per fiscal year.  This count may not exceed the number of educational clock hours provided.

Multiple chapters may host a regional educational conference. Each chapter who is part of the regional conference must participate in the planning, financial responsibility, and organizing of the event. The participating chapters may substitute an educational conference for a monthly educational meeting. A multi-educational event may count as up to four of the required CEUs per fiscal year.  This count may not exceed the number of educational clock hours provided.

Members may earn educational contact hours for attendance at such either described educational conference provided the sessions the individual attends fall into one of SGMP’s core competencies of education. Members may only earn contact hours for the sessions they attended and will not be given contact hours for any other concurrent sessions.

Requests for contact hour approval must be received by SGMP headquarters at least 45 days in advance of the education conference.

Chapter Board Strategic Planning Meetings/Retreats

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-31
Date of Origin: January 2012


Chapter retreats are scheduled to ensure that a Chapter Board strategizes, properly plans and sets goals, and then develops action items to meet those objectives. In the course of this process, a Chapter Board should use the SGMP Business Plan and Budget Template to work toward creating a fiscal year budget and actions that meet the educational and operational standards of SGMP.


In addition to the required transition meeting every other year where the outgoing and incoming boards meet together, it is recommended that a Chapter Board hold an all-day strategy session or a one- or two-day retreat at the beginning of its term in office and/or, in some cases, midway through their two-year term. The purpose is for a Chapter Board to properly plan and set goals and to develop action items to meet those objectives. It also provides time for the Chapter Board members to further develop their relationships and build rapport with one another.

It is certainly reasonable, and can be quite beneficial, to hold a Chapter Board retreat at a location that can be isolated from the typical daily professional and personal interruptions, so that your chapter leadership can better focus and strategize as a team. A one or potentially two-night stay could also, in some circumstances, be considered reasonable. However, the location must never merit or require travel by any other means than automobile. The Chapter Board is required to hold these meetings in its defined geographic area and any consideration to meet outside that area must be reviewed by the chapter’s National Board liaison for approval.

Chapters may confirm their defined geographic areas on the SGMP website.

All event travel purchases should be thoroughly vetted by the Chapter Board to ensure it serves the majority of members and proper use of 501-c3 non-profit funds. This policy includes a Chapter Expense Analysis Flowchart to assist a Chapter Board in making good decisions for the well-being of the chapter members and to ensure SGMP operational compliance and transparent fiduciary decisions. As noted on the spreadsheet, any variance requests must be submitted to the chapter’s National Board liaison for prior review and approval/disapproval.

Flow Chart

Chapter Trustee Appointment

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-32
Date of Origin: December 2014
Revised: October 2015


This policy covers the appointment by the National Board of a Chapter Trustee when there is no available person to serve as Chapter President.


If a Chapter President must step down due to retirement, job loss, or other reasons during their two-year term and the Chapter First Vice President is unable to step into that role, the current Chapter President should send an email as quickly as possible to their National Board Liaison and copy their Chapter Board informing them of the situation and when their official last day in office will be. It should also indicate that the First Vice President is unable to fill the role of Chapter President. The Chapter Board should then make recommendations to the National Board Liaison of a person who is willing to fulfil the role of Trustee. The person must meet the criteria of being a member of SGMP for at least six months prior. The National Board Liaison will confirm in writing with the proposed person that they are willing to be named by the National Board as Trustee and would be responsible for all job duties that relate the Chapter President.

Once the candidate has confirmed they understand the job duties, the National Board Liaison will submit in writing to the National Board President and copy the Executive Director & CEO (for distribution to the National Board) a request that said person is approved as the Trustee for a specific chapter for a period of 90 days. The 90 days can be renewed by the National Board for up to six months.  After that time the National Board can refer to C-17 regarding action.

Once the National Board approves the appointment of a Trustee, the National Board Liaison shall submit in writing to the entire Chapter Board and appointed Trustee confirmation of the appointment and approved dates. The National Board Liaison is also responsible for calendaring the 90 days and making sure if it needs to go beyond, the National Board President is notified and can have the issue before the National Board to approve an extended 90 days.

Chapter Name and/or Logo Changes

Section: Chapters
Policy No: C-33
Date of Origin: September 2017


SGMP recognizes that there may be occasions where a chapter may request to change their chapter name and/or their chapter logo. This policy covers the processes associated with such changes.


The Chapter Board is responsible for establishing a task force. The task force is responsible for researching options to include preparing drafts and/or samples, surveying chapter membership for consensus, and making recommendations to the Chapter Board on chapter name and/or logo change(s).  The Chapter Board is to vote on acceptance of the recommendation.

Once the chapter name and/or logo change(s) are approved by the Chapter Board, the Chapter President is to submit the requested changes and rational to the chapter’s National Board Liaison, who will present the request for change to the National Board for discussion and vote.

The National Board Liaison will be responsible for reporting back to the chapter.

The Chapter Board is responsible for overseeing changes to all chapter-level required changes to include, all chapter operational documents and forms, chapter policy manual, agreements/contracts, website and other social media. The Chapter Treasurer and Chapter President are to work with the National Treasurer and/or National Executive Director, as needed, on changes to all financial reporting and accounts.